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PRP Injections for Under-Eye Circles

Dark circles that appear under eyes are commonly caused by shadows that come from aging. The contours of the skin around the eyes change and often increase as a person..


Are PRP Injections Covered by Insurance?

If you’re considering getting PRP therapy, one of the first questions you’ll likely have is about the cost of getting the treatment. You’ll also want to know – are PRP..

Aftercare For Vampire Facial PRP

Looking for Best Results? Follow the Aftercare for Vampire Facial

If you enjoy keeping up with the latest celebrity beauty tips and secrets, you’ve probably heard enough about Kim Kardashian and her Vampire Facial. A few years later, other celebrities..


PRP Injection for Hair Loss Side Effects

The problem with hair loss is actually more common than you think. And, the industry that is working hard to find solutions to the problem is even bigger. According to..


Regain Your Confidence with PRP for Erectile Dysfunction

Impotency or the inability to have an erection is a problem that is becoming increasingly common among men. It will..

PRP For Vaginal Rejuvenation Banner

PRP for Vaginal Rejuvenation – Feel Like a Complete Woman Again

Menopause and the years that come after it can be a trying time for almost all women. Through their years..

What Is PRP Hair Restoration Banner

What is PRP Hair Restoration

Hair restoration and hair transplantation are two sciences that help you by replacing or reversing hair loss using various modalities. These techniques may be surgical, non-surgical, or minimally-invasive. Should you..


Does PRP Injection Hurt?

Beauty treatments are notorious for being painful. And, most Americans accept that if they want to get quick and effective results from the procedures they’re signing up for, a little..


Precautions to Take for Speedy PRP Injection Recovery Time

How soon can I expect to see results? When signing up for PRP therapy, you’ll want to know about the post-PRP injection recovery time. As your medical practitioner will inform..

How Many PRP Treatments Hair Growth Image

How Many PRP Treatments are Needed for Hair Growth

Have you been exploring the newest solutions for hair loss available today including PRP therapy? Are you wondering how many PRP treatments are needed for hair growth? Statistic Brain reports that..

Recovery From PRP Shot Image

How Long is the Recovery from PRP Shot

Are you planning to get PRP therapy? Then, one of the primary concerns you’ll likely have is the downtime involved. You’ll want to know how long is the recovery from..


How to Increase Blood Platelets for Best Results from PRP Therapy

What are blood platelets? Why do you need to increase blood platelets? What do platelets have to do with PRP therapy? Have you been wondering about these issues? Let’s ask..

What Is PRP Injection Image

What is PRP Injection?

Should your medical practitioner recommend that you opt for PRP injection for your health or aesthetic issues, one of the first questions you’ll likely have is – What is PRP..

PRP Hair Loss Treatment

Preparing for Your PRP Hair Loss Treatment

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is one of the best solutions for hair loss available today. It can not only reduce the number of hairs you lose each day but..