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PRP Hip Injection

Rely on PRP Hip Injection for relief from the pain and difficulty in movement because of osteoarthritis. PRP therapy can also help athletes and dancers repair the damage to the cartilage in their hip joint caused by repetitive motions while playing or dancing.


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Using Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy


PRP for Hip Arthritis

Get relief from the pain and difficulty in movement because of hip osteoarthritis. PRP can restore the worn out cartilage and synovial fluids to lower the friction caused by rubbing bones.



PRP Hip Injection Recovery

Doctors prepare the PRP serum from a sample of your blood and lower the possibility of adverse actions. Look forward to ease of movement and a better quality of life in 2 to 4 weeks.


PRP Hip Labral Tear

Athletes and ballet dancers enduring hip pain because of repetitive movements can rely on PRP therapy to replace the worn out cartilage. Go back to your favorite sport or dancing with PRP.


PRP for Hip Pain

While conventional treatments can only relieve the pain temporarily, PRP hip injections can stimulate the body to heal the damage and take away the pain for longer intervals.

PRP Hip Injection – An Effective Solution for Hip Osteoarthritis

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services estimates that by the year 2030, close to 70 million or 20% of Americans above the age of 65 years will be at a higher risk from osteoarthritis (OA). Most commonly affecting the knee and hip, OA is a condition that causes pain, swelling, and difficulty in movement. And, PRP hip injections might just be one of the best upcoming solutions.

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Understanding Hip Osteoarthritis and its Causes

The joints of your body have a cushioning of cartilage and synovial fluids that allow the ends of the bones to glide over each other smoothly. Since these agents act as lubricants and prevent friction, they absorb the energy from physical movement. Thus, they allow you to conduct your day-to-day activities normally. However, with age, this layer of cartilage and synovial fluids start to erode. As a result, you may develop pain and swelling. If bone spurs start to develop, they may change the shape and functionality of the hip joint completely. PRP hip injection works because it can stimulate the body to repair the worn out synovial fluids and cartilage so you get back ease of movement.

Injections For Hip Pain and Other Solutions for Hip Osteoarthritis in Use Today

Before the development of PRP therapy, doctors treated hip osteoarthritis in different ways.

  • Corticosteroid injections in the hip joint were effective in relieving the pain for a short while. However, new studies now show that the steroids can cause adverse effects by wearing away the cartilage even further.
  • Hyaluronic acid (HA) injections seem like a workable solution given that HA is a key component of the synovial fluids in the joints. However, HA only offers temporary relief and patients may need more long-term solutions.
  • Medications to relieve the pain may help but they don’t assist in the repair of the joints.
  • Doctors recommend moderate exercises to help strengthen the muscles around the affected joint so they can support it better. Stronger muscles may also help ease of movement by lowering the stress in the joint.
  • In case of elderly patients with severe pain and disability, doctors may recommend hip replacement surgery. This option is effective for around 20 years after which patients may need another surgery. For this reason, doctors are hesitant to recommend this option. Even so, in the year 2006 alone, close to 542,000 total knee replacement surgeries took place in the U.S.

Why the PRP Hip Injection is a More Viable Solution

In comparison to conventional treatments, PRP hip injection may be the most effective solution. That’s because the serum used in PRP therapy can help the body recreate the worn out cartilage and synovial fluids. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) contains chondrocytes that act as the building blocks of cartilage. The serum also contains growth factors, cytokines, chemokines, mesenchymal stem cells, and other elements that signal to the body that the area needs healing. Soon the affected joint receives a cascade of healing elements that quickly work to repair the damage. This rush of elements is the reason why you notice inflammation in the treated area for a short while.

Not only is PRP a more effective treatment option, but you may note that PRP injection costs are more economical as compared to conventional solutions.

How Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy for Hip Osteoarthritis Progresses

Doctors at the British Society for Rheumatology conducted a study on a group of 40 patients. Each of the patients was assessed to identify pain scores. Radiographic tests showed that the patients had up to 70% damage in their hip joints. Here’s how the study progressed.

  1. Doctors harvested 40ml of blood from the vein of each patient. The blood was placed in 4 test tubes, each containing 3.8% sodium citrate, an anti-clotting agent.
  2. Lab technicians spun the test tubes at room temperature at 580 g (where “g” is the force of gravity) for 8 minutes.
  3. They extracted 2cc of plasma with the buffy coat and prepared a serum by adding 10% calcium chloride.
  4. Observing careful sterile conditions, doctors used a 20- to 22-gauge or 90–120 mm spinal needle to inject 8cc of PRP into the joint cavity. They used ultrasonic imaging devices to target the femoral head or the top of the thigh-bone with precision.
  5. In all, doctors performed PRP joint injections 3 times at intervals of 1 to 2 weeks.

Aftercare for PRP Injections for Hip Arthritis

Patients received instructions to avoid anti-inflammatory drugs including ibuprofen for 4 to 6 weeks after the injections. That’s because the inflammation is an essential part of the healing process and indicates that the healing is progressing as intended. To help with the discomfort, doctors asked patients to apply ice packs for 15 minutes at a time, three times a day.

As for pain medications, only Tylenol or acetaminophen is allowed to be taken. You may also want to rest the treated area giving it time to heal and avoid strenuous activities. If needed, you can use a crutch to prevent excessive pressure on the treated area. Most patients have revealed that they started to see improvement at 2 to 4 weeks after the first PRP shot.

Time Frame for the PRP Hip Injection Recovery

To understand the effects of the therapy, doctors requested patients to fill out the WOMAC questionnaire and the Harris Hip Score test. These evaluations were timed at 6 to 7 weeks and 6 months after the PRP hip injection. At each follow-up appointment, patients talked about much less pain and an increased ease of movement. Doctors also noted that the 27 male and 13 female patients had comparable positive results. This factor indicates that patients of both genders can benefit equally well from PRP treatments.

PRP for Hip Labral Tear

In addition to the age-related erosion of the hip joint, PRP hip injections can also help with hip labral tear issues. This condition is a wearing of the cartilage in the hip joint that supports the ball of the thigh-bone in the socket. Typically, athletes playing sports like golf, soccer, football, and ice hockey may develop this injury. Ballerinas have also reported symptoms like pain, stiffness in motion, and locking sensation in the hip joint. PRP is an effective solution since it can heal the injury without the need for surgery. Athletes and dancers can go back to their activities once the injuries have healed.

Choose PRP Hip Injections to help you with the pain and discomfort caused by osteoarthritis and injury to the hip joint. Rest assured that PRP injection side effects are exceeding rare and the therapy is a safe solution.

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