PRP Shoulder Injection

PRP Shoulder Injection 

Choose PRP shoulder injection to help you with the different causes of discomfort and difficulty in movement of the shoulder. Allow the PRP serum and its concentration of healing factors to repair the damage to the tissues holding the arm bone in its socket.

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PRP Treatment for Shoulder

The concentration of growth factors present in the PRP serum can help heal the damaged or torn tissues that support the arm bone in the rounded bony socket or glenoid of the shoulder. 


PRP Therapy for Shoulder Pain

Get relief from the pain, discomfort, and difficulty in movement caused by shoulder pain. PRP therapy can give you a better quality of life by healing inflammation in the shoulder joint.


Platelet Rich Plasma Shoulder Pain

PRP therapy can help you with the various causes of shoulder pain including tendonitis, bursitis, rotator cuff injuries, arthritis, and torn muscles and tissues caused by frequent dislocation.


PRP for Shoulder Injuries

Athletes and professionals using the shoulder joint for playing or working and making repetitive overhead movements, and elderly people with arthritis can use PRP therapy for repairing tissues and restoring the damaged cartilage.

PRP Shoulder Injection

Have you been sensing discomfort, difficulty in movement, and weakness in your shoulder when you try to move it? You may also be noticing pain when you make an overhead movement with the arm, or if you slept on the affected shoulder the night before. Close to 67% of Americans suffer from this form of joint pain sometime in their lives. Among them are athletes playing a sport where the shoulder is used frequently often have this problem. And, aging people having pain resulting from weakening or eroding tissues in the joint. The good news is that PRP shoulder injection can help you with some of the causes of the pain.

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You May Need Shoulder Treatment for the Various Causes of Pain

Before identifying the prime causes of shoulder pain, you may want to understand the structure of the joint. The top of your forearm bone fits into the rounded socket or glenoid of the shoulder blade. Several tissues called the rotator cuff support the bone in place and help easy movement. In addition, the bursae or small sacs filled with fluid cushion the bones and tissues absorbing the energy from movement. The shoulder joint also has tendons that attach the muscles to bone.

Shoulder pain can result when any of these tissues is misaligned or inflamed. Like, for instance:

  • Bursitis or tendonitis caused by excessive movement of the shoulder
  • Tears in the tendons also caused by the frequent usage of the joint
  • Impingement that results when the top of the shoulder blade rubs against the tissues when you move your arm
  • Shoulder dislocation when the top of the forearm bone is forced out of its socket partially or entirely because of a fall or injury (the shoulder joint tissues can also get torn)
  • Shoulder arthritis
  • Fractures

The PRP shoulder injection can help you with most of these causes by repairing the tissues that support the top of the arm bone in its socket.

Conventional Treatments for Shoulder Pain

Should you consult a medical practitioner for shoulder pain, she’ll conduct a physical examination to check for swelling, tenderness in the tissues, and range of movement. Next, she will likely run a series of diagnostic tests to identify the main cause of the pain. Like, for instance, an X-ray, MRI scan, or CT scan. If needed, your doctor may recommend electrical studies to understand the condition of the nerves in the shoulder.

Typically, patients receive treatment options including:

  • Resting the affected joint
  • Taking medications for relieving the pain and inflammation
  • Physical therapy that helps improves the strength of the tissues and flexibility for ease of movement
  • Avoiding the activities that may be causing the discomfort
  • Surgery with fiber optic cameras to remove scar tissue and repair torn tendons
  • Applications of analgesic ointments for pain relief

Treatment with Injection for Shoulder Pain

To help you with the pain and discomfort, your doctor may suggest that you try getting injections in the shoulder.

  • Corticosteroid injections that numb the affected tissues so you no longer feel pain. However, new research now shows that these injections can weaken and possibly, rupture the tissues.
  • Hyaluronic acid injections are similar to the synovial fluids your body naturally produces to keep your joints lubricated and prevent friction. This option only provides temporary relief since the HA does not heal the damaged tissues.
  • PRP shoulder injection is an innovative solution that works to repair the damaged tissue by introducing a concentration of healing elements into the site. The platelets, growth factors, mesenchymal stem cells, cytokines, and other compounds promote the repair of the torn tendons and other tissues.

Clinical Studies Have Shown that PRP Shoulder Injection Works

Studies conducted at the National Center for Biotechnology Information have clearly shown that using PRP shoulder injection can effectively lower pain levels and improve range of motion. Doctors tested 17 patients with different causes of shoulder pain and here’s what they found:

  • PRP therapy given twice into the joint at intervals of 4 weeks was effective in relieving the pain caused by eroding rotator cuff tissues.
  • A single injection of the PRP serum was able to relieve the impingement by repairing the worn tissues around the shoulder socket.
  • PRP injection was effective in helping patients with shoulder bursitis where the fluid-filled sacs wear away.
  • Patients talked about getting better relief from the discomfort after PRP treatments than after physical therapy.

You may also find that PRP injection costs are more economical as compared to other options given the long-term results it provides. While there is a possibility that the treatment may not work for you, you can rest assured that there are rarely any PRP injection side effects that you need to worry about.

You Can Get PRP for Shoulder Labral Tear

The shoulder labral tear is yet another common cause of shoulder pain. The labrum in the shoulder joint is a cup-shaped section of cartilage that helps to support the rounded top of the forearm bone or humerus in the socket. The labrum stabilizes the bone in its socket and is a part of the structure of tissues including the rotator cuff, tendons, and other muscles.

If this cartilage were to tear, the bone can get dislocated. PRP shoulder injection can help with this issue since the serum contains chondrocytes that act as the building blocks of the cartilage. If you have been having a problem with frequent shoulder dislocations, getting PRP for shoulder labral tear may be the answer.

PRP Injection Recovery Time for Shoulder Pain

Most patients have talked about how they got relief from the pain and difficulty in movement for up to 3 months after the treatment. PRP therapy may well be the only treatment option that works to repair and rejuvenate damaged tissues, tendons, cartilage, and nerves. Since it signals to the body that the area needs healing and stimulates natural repair, you can expect to see improvement in around to 3 o 4 weeks after the initial session. While there is no downtime involved after the PRP shoulder injection, you may need multiple sessions depending on the severity of the damage to your tissues.

Would you like more information about the effectiveness of PRP therapy for shoulder pain? We welcome your queries and would love to help you. Please call us at this number: (888) 981-9516. Our expert consultants are standing by to assist you. You can also contact us and we’ll get back to you with detailed responses.