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Are PRP Injections Covered by Insurance?

If you’re considering getting PRP therapy, one of the first questions you’ll likely have is about the cost of getting the treatment. You’ll also want to know – are PRP..

PRP Injection For Knee Side Effects Banner

5 PRP Injection for Knee Side Effects You Didn’t Know

Did you know that according to ScienceMag close to 20% of Americans aged 45 years and above suffer from knee pain? It will also interest you to know that the..

Dark Circles Image - PRP

Bring Back the Glamour of Your Eyes with PRP for Dark Circles

Dark circles, raccoon eyes, puffy eyes, bags under the eyes, all of these are issues that plague millions of people across the world. And, PRP for dark circles could be..

Transplant Ineffective Solution Nerve Damage Image - PRP

Coolief vs PRP Injection Knee Treatments – The Smarter Option?

The rising cases of osteoarthritis is an alarming fact. And, researchers are dedicating more time and resources to finding new solutions for the condition. One of the options that has..

PDO Fine Threads Injections Image - PRP

New Anti-Aging Technique – PDO Fine Threads with PRP Injections

In response to the growing demand for anti-aging solutions, researchers have been coming up with new treatments. A new technique..

Platelet Rich Plasma Prolotherapy

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Prolotherapy

To put it simply, Platelet Rich Plasma Prolotherapy is an advanced version of the technique of prolotherapy. Think of prolotherapy..