Regain Your Confidence with PRP for Erectile Dysfunction
PRP for erectile dysfunction can help you with problems like impotency caused by nerve damage, surgical scarring, injuries, and even, aging. The PRP serum contains platelets, growth factors, and other healing components that can repair damaged tissues and regenerate blood vessels and nerves for heightened sensations and greater pleasure.
Impotency or the inability to have an erection is a problem that is becoming increasingly common among men. It will interest you to know that impotence also includes the inability to have an erection of adequate quality for penetration. PRP for erectile dysfunction (ED) as the condition is also called is an innovative treatment form that has emerged in recent times. And, has the potential to help the millions of men who suffer silently from the problem.
Erectile Dysfunction is More Common than People Think
According to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse, around 15 to 30 million American men have ED. The prevalence of the condition has always thought to be common among men in their 40s or older. However, changing diets and environmental factors are now affecting younger men though few of them will talk about facing the problem.
Like Neil Baum, M.D. reveals to the Men’s Health magazine,”If men are honest, every one of them will tell you they’ve experienced impotence at least one time in their lives. Not every intimate encounter is a ‘10.’ He goes on to add, “It can be devastating when ED occurs. A man’s whole concept of his masculinity may be undermined.”
Typical Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
Before talking about how PRP for erectile dysfunction can help, it is essential to understand the main causes behind the condition. Experts now agree that ED could be an indication of more serious underlying problems that need to be addressed. If you think you may have ED, it is essential that you consult your medical examiner. You may have to undergo a battery of tests to understand the causes.
- Hypertension and hardening of the arteries
- Diabetes
- Smoking and excessive intake of alcohol
- Hormone imbalances
- Side effects of certain medications
- After effects of bladder or prostate surgery
- Injuries
- Nerve disorders including Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis
- Depression, stress, and anxiety
- Peyronie’s disease where scar tissue forms inside the penis
- Obesity
- Chronic fatigue
Depending on the test results, your doctor will recommend dietary and lifestyle changes. By getting adequate exercise, medication, and the right diet, you can improve blood circulation all over the body and lower stress levels. These measures could help you with ED. For other causes like, for instance, injuries or nerve disorders, you could consider opting for PRP for erectile dysfunction or the P-shot also called Priapus Shot.
Understanding the Priapus Shot or P-Shot
First developed by Dr. Charles Runels, the Priapus shot takes its name from Priapus, the Greek God of Infertility. Doctors draw a small sample of your blood and extract the PRP serum by spinning it in a centrifugal machine. After separating the red blood cells, they are able to create the PRP serum that contains a concentration of repairing elements. These components include platelets, growth factors, mesenchymal stem cells, cytokines, and various other tissue-forming cells.
When introduced into the male member, PRP therapy sets of a repairing cascade that can reverse most of the causes of impotence. Not only is PRP for erectile dysfunction safe and unlikely to cause any adverse or side effects. But, you will find that PRP injection costs are far lower as compared to the expense of other treatment forms.
Case Studies on PRP for ED (Erectile Dysfunction) are Successful
One of the first questions patients have is whether the P-shot is actually effective. Doctors at the National Center for Biotechnology Information conducted studies on a group of patients. Here’s how the study progressed and the findings.
- Doctors selected 17 test subjects and worked out a 2-injection procedure for each patient.
- Patients received a topical numbing agent that they applied liberally over the treatment area.
- Lab technicians drew 18 ml of blood from the vein in the forearm in two separate test tubes.
- They placed these tubes in a centrifugal device and spun it for 6,000 RPMS for 6 minutes.
- After adding 10% calcium chloride to each tube in the ratio 1:10, the doctors created 5.5 ml of the PRP serum.
- Within 10 minutes of readying the serum, doctors carefully injected it with precision in specific areas using extremely fine needles. Each patient received between 4 ml to 9 ml of the serum and the entire process took 30 to 40 minutes to complete.
- The test subjects remained in the clinic for 20 to 30 minutes after the procedure for observation. Doctors also wanted to ensure that they did not have any adverse effects.
- The patients were asked to come in for checkups over the next 15 months. When asked about their experiences after the PRP for erectile dysfunction, they talked about having higher quality erections, improved curvature, and raised confidence levels.
Why this Latest Treatment for ED (Erectile Dysfunction) Works
PRP for erectile dysfunction has been found to be effective because of the regenerative capabilities of the growth factors in the serum.
- Because the muscles in the penis used the PRP serum as a matrix to grow new tissues, the organ increased in girth.
- PRP has the capability to grow new blood vessels. With an improved blood circulation, patients were able to achieve higher quality and longer-lasting erections.
- PRP can regenerate damaged nerves and can thus, improve sensations and heighten pleasure.
- PRP treatments can repair scar tissue and regenerate the lost collagen, elastin, and blood vessels. For this reason, the treatment could prove to be the best solution for ED because of Peyronie’s disease and post-surgical scarring.
- Getting proven treatment provides a psychological boost and eases nervousness.
PRP Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction vs Conventional Options
PRP for erectile dysfunction is a better option to conventional treatments since it has no side effects or adverse effects. The positives effects are achieved by the body by using its own blood and tissues for repair. Further, you won’t need to pop pills again and again given that the effects of the procedure are likely to last you at least 12 to 15 months or more. Perhaps, its best positive is that the process is minimally invasive and does not involve surgery.
Although the initial results from case studies are promising, doctors agree that further research is needed before PRP injections can become a regular recommendation.
If you think that PRP therapy sounds like something you would like to try, go ahead and contact us. Our consultants will help you with all the information you need. You can also call us at this number: (888) 981-9516.
Have you used PRP injections before for a medical or cosmetic issue? How were your experiences? Did you get the results you were looking for? Please do share your thoughts using the comment box below.
Erectile dysfunction injection cure can also INCREASE average penis size