Consider trying PRP treatment to stop diabetes that works by rejuvenating the islet cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. Patients with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes can try the procedure that uses growth factors and healing elements to reverse the disease naturally.
The platelets, growth factors, mesenchymal stem cells, and other healing elements in the serum can rejuvenate the islet cells in the pancreas so they begin producing insulin normally again.
Stem Cells Treatment for Diabetes
Stem cell therapy for diabetes uses cells extracted from the adipose fat tissues of individual patients to stimulate the regeneration of the pancreatic islet cells.
PRP Treatment for Diabetes
Try PRP for a better quality of life by reversing diabetes that, in turn, leads to other related health issues like heart disease, stroke, foot ulcers, kidney disease, and damage to the nerves.
PRP Costs for Diabetes
The cost of getting PRP is much more economical compared to the expense of treating related diseases and taking long-term medications and insulin shots to keep blood sugar levels in control.
PRP Treatment to Stop Diabetes
In recent times, researchers have been studying diabetes in detail given the rising incidence of the disease all over the world. The American Diabetes Association® has gathered statistics reporting that at least 1.5 million people find that they have diabetes each year. Close to 9.4% or 30.3 million people have the disease with 7.2 million unaware that they have the condition and need help. PRP treatment to stop diabetes is one of the latest solutions that can possibly treat the disease by eliminating the key causes.
Understanding Diabetes and the Key Causes
Diabetes is a condition where your body is unable to produce insulin in sufficient quantities to process the glucose in your blood. As your body digests the food you eat, it converts the nutrients into glucose. Insulin, in turn, converts the glucose into energy that you use for various functions and activities. Insulin is a polypeptide hormone that the pancreas produces in the β-cell or islets as they are also called.
Genetic factors and an unhealthy lifestyle can stress the pancreas so the organ is unable to repair and rejuvenate the islet cells. When the β-cell mass becomes smaller, you develop Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes.
Is there a Cure for Type 1 Diabetes?
Type 1 Diabetes is a condition where the body’s immune system attacks the pancreas and destroys the islet and beta cells. As a result, patients must take insulin injections all through the day to keep the excessive blood sugar levels in check. To date, there are no cures for Type 1 Diabetes. However, with the supervision and advice of a trained medical practitioner, it is possible to control the disease and live a normal life.
Doctors have not been able to find the cause of Type 1 Diabetes. And, researchers at the Mayo Clinic estimate that genetic reasons or environmental factors such as viruses may trigger the body’s immune response. However, in the future, doctors might be able to use stem cells transplant or PRP treatment to stop diabetes to help patients by growing new islet cells.
Can Stem Cells Cure Diabetes Type 1?
Embryonic Stem Cells
In recent times, researchers are experimenting with donor stem cells that have the capability of maturing into islet cells. A report published in the New Scientist talks about how doctors at Viacyte isolated embryonic stem cells from a donor. Later, these cells were infused into PEC-Direct packages and introduced into the skin of the recipients. To date, 2 patients have received the implants. Doctors estimate that the stem cells could take around 3 months to mature into new islet cells that can reverse Type 1 Diabetes. There are a couple of downsides to this method though. Like, for instance, the limited availability of donor cells and possible rejection of the foreign donor cells.
Autologous Stem Cells
In an attempt to deal with the problem of availability and rejection, many clinics may offer you autologous stem cells for treating diabetes. Doctors harvest stem cells from adipose fat tissues from the patient’s belly. Later, they purify and activate the stem cells before introducing them back into the patient’s body by IVF drips. As the stem cells mature, they could turn into islet cells and reverse diabetes.
Autologous PRP Therapy
In the future, PRP treatment to stop diabetes may pose a more viable cure. That’s because it eliminates the issue of low availability of stem cells by using growth factors taken from the patient’s own blood. This process is much like in the case of autologous stem cell therapy. However, PRP therapy goes a step beyond basic stem cell therapy by adding a host of other repairing cells to the mix that have a better probability of working.
How PRP Treatment Can Help Stop Diabetes
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a treatment that can help in the rejuvenation of worn out cells and tissues by tapping into the natural healing processes of the body. Doctors take a sample of the patient’s blood and spin it to extract the platelets, growth factors, mesenchymal stem cells, and other vital elements. When these elements enter the treatment site, they set off a cascade of repairing actions so that the cells repair and rejuvenate.
Researchers conducted experiments on lab animals in an attempt to explore if this process can be replicated in islet cells. They theorized that PRP treatment could help with the growth and development of the islet cells. Thus, it could be possible to stimulate the beta cells to begin producing insulin again. As a result, patients would not have to rely on synthetic insulin injections and medicines to lead a normal life. Using PRP treatment to stop diabetes could help avoid the main downside of other options like stem cell therapy. That’s because the body recognizes the PRP serum as its own tissues. And, thus, is unlikely to reject it or react with allergy symptoms.
Results of the study clearly showed that the growth factors of PRP treatment to stop diabetes had succeeded in stimulating the pancreas to produce more of islet cells and beta cells. Scientists observed that new lobules were visible inside the pancreas.
Can Stem Cells Cure Diabetes Type 2?
There are fundamental differences in how Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes develops. And, that’s why treating Diabetes Type 2 can be a lot more challenging. In Type 2, the body’s cells stop responding to the effects of insulin. And, these effects typically result because of obesity. Even though you may have adequate levels of the hormone, they may not work on the body cells. For this reason, using stem cell therapy and regrowing the lost islet and beta cells may not be the only solution.
Like HealthLine reports, doctors used a dual approach in their research. They combined stem cell therapy with antidiabetic drugs like metformin(Glucophage) and sitagliptin (Januvia). When tested on lab animals, doctors found that this combined form of treatment showed much more effective results. PRP treatment may also help patients in a similar way.
Cost of Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes
Both treatments, Stem Cell Therapy and PRP treatment to stop Diabetes are in the experimental stage. For this reason, the costs are high. And, more research is needed before the treatments become freely available and doctors can guarantee positive results. As for the costs, Stem Cell Therapy in the U.S. could cost you around $10,000 or more. But, this estimate depends on specific practitioners. PRP injection cost ranges from $500 to $2,000 again depending on the practitioner you work with.
Given that diabetes could become the most prevalent disease in the coming years, doctors are on the lookout for viable and economical options to treat it. And, PRP treatment to stop diabetes in its tracks could prove to be that viable option.
Would you like more information about how PRP treatment can help you? Or, maybe, you’re just interested in knowing how the procedure works. Please go ahead and contact us and we’ll get back to you with the details you need. You can also call us at this number: (888) 981-9516 and speak to one of our consultants.