PRP Therapy

PRP Injection Contraindications

If you’re considering opting for PRP, some of the basic questions you’ll likely have are, “Is PRP safe,” or “What are the side effects of PRP?”

PRP therapy is a completely safe treatment that every person, young and old can take. And, since doctors create the PRP serum from the patient’s own blood, there is a very rare chance of an allergic reaction or the body rejecting the serum. However, like with all other healing modalities, there are certain PRP injection contraindications that you need to be aware of.  

At the time of signing up for the treatment, your medical practitioner will conduct a detailed examination of your medical history to make sure that you’re a good candidate for the treatment. That’s because, under certain conditions, some patients cannot receive PRP therapy. Here are some of the factors that doctors keep under careful consideration. 

History of Metastatic Conditions like Cancer or Disease

A medical history of metastatic conditions like cancer or disease is one of the most important PRP injection contraindications. Patients with these conditions might have blood that is infected with cancer cells. This factor is especially true for patients that have hematopoietic cancer or cancer of the bone marrow. For this reason, doctors cannot use their blood for therapy.

Possibility of Infections in the Areas Targeted for PRP therapy

In case patients have any skin infections, blood infections, or infections in the targeted area, they must wait until they have healed completely before getting the treatment. PRP has white blood cells and can act as an antimicrobial agent. But, it can heal certain kinds of infections only. The treatment may not work in areas that have any form of chronic or acute infections.

Your doctor might also check with you for the possibility of systemic disease. Systemic disease is an infection that affects the entire body. Patients must allow such infections to heal completely before they come in for the treatment.

Pregnancy or Breastfeeding

If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, you’ll want to know, “Is PRP safe?” Pregnancy and breastfeeding are yet other important PRP injection contraindications. Although the possibility of infections from PRP therapy is extremely remote, doctors may not risk the treatment causing any adverse effects on the unborn or newborn baby.

Anticoagulant Prescription Medications or Antiplatelet Therapy

If patients have been taking anticoagulants or medications that stop blood from clotting, doctors may ask them to avoid the drugs for a few weeks before and after PRP therapy. But, if the patients cannot stop the medicines, they could be advised to wait until after they have completed the prescribed courses. These medications include:

  • Tranexamic acid (Cyclokapron®)
  • Clopidogrel (Plavix®), (Persantin® / Pytazen SR®)
  • Warfarin
  • Aspirin
  • Dipyridamole
  • Heparin
  • Dabigatran.

Incidence of a Recent Fever or Illness

In case patients have just had a fever or serious illness, doctors may recommend that they wait for at least 60 days and recover completely before coming in for PRP therapy. 

Incidence of Smoking or Drinking

The possibility of patients smoking and drinking excessively is one of the PRP injection contraindications that doctors keep in mind. Cigarettes contain tar that can hamper the production of growth factors. In addition, smoking can raise blood pressure and sometimes, lower the platelet count in the blood. Consuming too much alcohol can lower the body’s ability to create stem cells. Accordingly, doctors advise patients to avoid smoking and drinking for at least 4 weeks before and after taking PRP therapy.

Corticosteroid Injections and NSAIDS

Medical practitioners recommend that patients avoid taking NSAIDS like Mobic, Voltaren, and Nurofen for at least 7 to 10 days before and after their PRP session. As for corticosteroid injections, patients must not take them for up to one month before scheduling PRP therapy. Taking these agents may prevent inflammation which is essential for the PRP serum to work and is one of the most vital PRP injection contraindications.

History of Severe Liver Disease

Liver disease can hamper the functioning of the liver that takes care of all the major functions of the body. The PRP serum contains platelet-fibrin which forms the basic mesh for the healing of tissues. This platelet-fibrin is produced in the liver. And, if the blood has insufficient fibrin, PRP therapy may not be as effective. 

Allergies to Bupivacaine HCL, Lidocaine, or Bovine Thrombin

Doctors need to add certain compounds like Bupivacaine HCL, Lidocaine, or bovine thrombin during the PRP preparation process. These compounds that may help with any pain or discomfort by working as topical or local numbing agents. Medical practitioners may also add anticlotting agents to make sure that the serum does not clot before it is injected. Accordingly, they must make sure that the patient is not allergic to any of these additives before using them to formulate the PRP serum. The possibility of such allergies is another of the PRP injection contraindications that doctors consider carefully. 

Other PRP Injection Contraindications to Consider

Having made a careful note of your responses to the questions listed above, your PRP practitioner may also conduct a blood test to check for certain factors and eliminate the possibility of PRP injection contraindications. They are:

  • Low Platelet count: The blood must have a platelet count of at least 105/ul.
  • Insufficient Hemoglobin or Low HGB count: The patient must not be anemic, and the blood must have at least 10 g/dl of hemoglobin.
  • Low Fibrinogen count: Fibrinogen is a part of the platelets in the blood and acts as the key component of the PRP serum. Patient must have a normal count of 200–400 mg/deciliter of fibrinogen in the plasma. If the levels are lower than this minimum range, the blood cannot clot normally.

PRP Injection Contraindications May Depend on the Specific Condition

Some PRP injection contraindications may depend on the particular medical or aesthetic issue you’re looking to correct. For example, your PRP hair treatment effectiveness can vary according to these conditions:

  • You have active or not very active hair follicles that aren’t growing hair.
  • Age-related factors are causing your hair loss issues such as alopecia areata or hormone imbalances.
  • Your hair appears limp, dull, and lifeless.
  • You have a thinning hair issue that is in the initial stages.
  • You are undergoing treatment for cancer and the chemotherapy is causing hair loss.
  • A scalp condition like a rash or infection is causing the hair loss.

At the time of recommending PRP treatments, your trichologist will assess you carefully for contraindications. Accordingly, you may receive a customized approach to your condition. For instance, if the hair loss is related to a medical condition, your doctor may ask you to wait until that condition is resolved. She will also give you an estimate on the number of sessions needed and expected intervals between the sessions.

Evaluating You for PRP Therapy

Your PRP practitioners are committed to making sure that you avoid the possibility of PRP injection side effects and get the best possible results from the treatment. When checking for PRP injection contraindications, they may screen you and your medical history carefully before advising that you go in for PRP therapy. They may also have certain recommendations and dos and don’ts for you to follow in the few weeks before and after taking the treatment. Follow them carefully, and you’ll be able to avail all the benefits of this amazing new procedure – Platelet Rich Plasma therapy. 

In case you’ve been considering getting PRP therapy, it is understandable that you’ll want to know what are the side-effects of PRP or possibility of adverse reactions. For more information, contact us or call us at this number: (888)-981-9516. Our consultants will assist you with all the details you need.

Have you tried PRP therapy before? How did your doctor assess you as a good candidate? Did you get the results you were looking for? Please share your thoughts using the comment box below.



Platelet-Rich Plasma Update: Clinical Use in Musculoskeletal Care

5 Questions To Ask Before Offering Platelet-Rich Plasma 

Who Is a Candidate for Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy? 


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